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Rules on entering-leaving (on foot or by vehicle), movement, behavior, and occupational safety to be observed by the representatives (drivers) of outside organizations (companies) on the territory of JSC Moldova Steel Works

Annex No.6 dated 14.03.2022

to Instruction I-518-1009-OZ-0001-2022

on the access and intrafacility control

arrangements at JSC MSW




on entering-leaving (on foot or by vehicle), movement, behavior, and occupational safety to be observed by the representatives (drivers) of outside organizations (companies) on the territory of JSC Moldova Steel Works


1. General

          1.1. The Rules determine the requirements for entering-leaving (on foot or by vehicle), movement, behavior, occupational safety, and the restrictions implemented at JSC Moldova Steel Works (hereinafter the Plant) and are mandatory and must be observed by all representatives (drivers) of outside organizations (companies) arriving at the Plant with the aim to deliver or to collect the goods.

          1.2. The organizations (companies) must ensure that their representatives and drivers strictly observe the requirements established in these Rules.

          1.3. In the event of improper performance by the representatives (drivers) of their obligations or violation of the requirements established in the Rules, the Plant notifies accordingly the companies involved and has the right in its sole discretion to suspend/terminate the representative’s authority, to deny the loading and processing of documents for the vehicle, and in extraordinary circumstances to ban the representative (driver) from further entry (on foot or by vehicle) to the territory of the Plant.

          1.4. These Rules have been approved and put into operation in accordance with the Plant’s Integrated Management System. The Rules are available on the official website of the Plant and at the Vehicle Registration Office. A short version of the Rules is available on the Information Board at Entry Check Point No.3.

1.5. The Plant promptly notifies the companies by e-mail of any changes in the procedures connected with the processing of documentation and shipping of the finished products, raw materials, equipment and materials.


2. Requirements for the documents submitted and their holders

            2.1. The representatives of outside organizations (companies) (hereinafter the representatives) and the drivers of motor vehicles (hereinafter the drivers) must produce original identification documents, original vehicle registration documents, and original shipping documents for the goods (if available) each time when entering/leaving the territory of the Plant.  

2.2. The representatives (the drivers) give their consent, and the Plant has the right to the use and processing of copies of their passports (ID documents) and passport/personal details for the following purposes:

- to carry out customs formalities connected with the shipment (delivery) of the finished products, raw materials, equipment and materials;    

- to keep accounts and to display data in the relevant documents of the Plant.  


3. The entrance/exit procedure for the representatives

3.1. The representatives are provided with the access to the territory of the Plant with visitor’s or temporary access cards. The Plant considers the applications, decides on the possibility to issue and issues access cards to the representatives in the amount and for the period agreed by the parties beforehand. The Visitors Pass Desk located at the main administration building issues access cards. The visitor’s access cards are issued for a single entry to the Plant from 08.00 until 17.00, the temporary access cards are issued for a limited period of up to 6 months. The representatives must return their access cards to the Visitors Pass Desk on their leaving the territory of the Plant (for holders of a visitor’s card) or upon the expiry of their temporary access cards (for holders of a temporary access card). If the access card has been lost or has not been returned at the time of leaving the territory of the Plant, the organization (the company) must repay its cost based on the selling price for cards imposed by the Plant. The Plant has the right in its sole discretion to deduct the card cost from the amount paid for the finished goods or to issue an additional invoice for this amount under the existing contract.        

3.2. Visitors who are not drivers of motor vehicles and not involved into the document processing and execution are not allowed to enter the territory of the Plant. 


4. General requirements for entering-leaving (on foot or by vehicle), movement, behavior, occupational safety, sanitary and the restrictions applicable to the representatives (the drivers)

4.1. The representatives (the drivers) must submit the vehicle to security service guards for a security check when entering or leaving the territory of the Plant, and, if necessary, open doors and hatches of a driver’s cabin, passenger and luggage compartments and provide access to any other enclosed parts or hidden places within the vehicle that could be potentially used for keeping prohibited items which include the following:

 а) commodities and materials other than those stated in the shipping documentation (consignment notes (CNs), CMR) and being the spare parts or consumables intended for the service and maintenance of the vehicle;

  б) alcoholic beverages, narcotics and other illegal items (weapons, radioactive sources, pyrotechnic articles, etc.);

  в) fuels and lubricants (petrol, diesel fuel) in separate containers (cans, barrels, etc.).

4.2. The representatives (the drivers) must read and understand these Rules, occupational safety rules, the Plant’s requirements applicable to the representatives (the drivers) and the information exhibited on the Information Board at Entry Check Point No.3. They also must give their consent to the use and processing of copies of their passports (ID documents) and passport/personal details by the Plant’s staff and confirm their consent by putting down their signature with a stylus pen on a special device at the Vehicle Registration Office. If the device with a stylus pen is out of operation, the representatives (the drivers) can put down their signature on the Driver’s Guide Leaflet (available in paper form). In the event of a refusal to sign, the access to the territory of the Plant will be denied. 

4.3. When on the territory of the Plant, the representative (the driver) must:

- when travelling across the territory of the Plant, comply with the health and safety rules, quarantine measures (if any), road traffic regulations, wear a protective suit consisting of a long sleeve coat and trousers, wear closed shoes, a high-visibility vest (at night time) and a safety helmet, and pay attention to audible warning signals, warning lights and moving machinery;

- drive a vehicle at a speed of 20 km/h maximum when travelling on the roadways within the territory of the Plant, and at a speed of 5 km/h maximum when travelling on the territory of the EAF shop, Scrap Processing Yard and Rolling Mill Shop;

- not walk unless it is connected with the unloading/loading of the Goods and the issue of documentation for the Goods, or in the event of emergency, the requirements and the rules established by the Plant being strictly observed; 

- having entered the territory of the shop (the gate or other areas) and having placed the vehicle for loading/unloading, the driver must shut off the engine, get off the vehicle and go and stay in the Safety Area which is designated with a poster and allocated for drivers to stay during the loading/unloading procedures;     

- abide by and comply with the demands of a shift foreman, a dispatch area gangman or other staff workers of the EAF shop, Scrap Processing Yard and Rolling Mill Shop (when on the territory of these shops);    

- leave the territory of the Rolling Mill Shop or the Scrap Processing Yard immediately after the completion of the loading/unloading;

- in the event of an accident, give first aid to the injured person, report the accident to the health post of the Plant on tel. 73-03 (+373 555 7 73 03), take measures to preserve the accident scene as long as it is safe for other people;

- in a fire or ignition emergency, call immediately the fire service on tel. 01, 72-01 (+373 555 7 72 01).

4.4. When on the territory of the Plant, the representatives (the drivers) are allowed to use lavatories on the territory of the Rolling Mill Shop, Scrap Processing Yard and Entry Check Point No.3, to use drinking fountains and soda fountains (unless the quarantine measures are in force).

4.5.   When on the territory of the Plant, the representatives (the drivers) are forbidden from doing the following:

- to stay in the vehicle unloading/loading area or inside the drivers cabin and the vehicle body when load-lifting mechanisms are operating

- to walk or to stand in close vicinity to or under a moving load; 

- to walk or to travel across the territory of the Plant for any purposes and to perform any activities (such as vehicle washing, unauthorized unloading of the garbage and waste from the vehicle body) other than those connected with the unloading/loading of the Goods and the issue of documentation for the Goods; 

- to perform any activities that reduce the tare weight of the vehicle (to drain water, to remove and discard tires, etc.);

- to consume alcoholic beverages and narcotic drugs; 

- to smoke in any area other than a designated smoking area;

- to leave garbage in places other than in designated containers or trash bins; 

- to use open fire;

- to take photos, to make videos; 

- to be in a state of narcotic, toxic, alcoholic intoxication;

- to be rude, offend, threaten, use abusive language to and about the Plant’s staff, or other representatives, drivers. In the event of such non-compliances, the Plant’s staff have the right to call out the police.    


5. Specific requirements for the loading procedure to be observed by the representatives (the drivers)

5.1. They must apply to a security service guard and an officer of the Vehicle Registration Office and obtain permission to pass through Entry Check Point No.3, for which it is required:

- To fulfil requirements specified in Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 herein;  

- The vehicle must comply with the following requirements:

a) The vehicle to be placed for loading must be suitable (in terms of the length and width of the vehicle body) for loading the goods from the top with an overhead crane, be equipped with ratchet tie-down straps, eye rings for secure strapping of the goods. The vehicle body must be clean (free of garbage and oil/grease spots).     

b) Vehicles with the total weight of the truck, trailer and the cargo exceeding 60 tons or with two and more trailers are not allowed to be placed for loading.    

- To pass the registration and receive a plastic ID-pass at the Vehicle Registration Office

- To scan a QR-code on the ID-pass with a mobile phone.

5.2. When travelling across the territory of the Plant, they must obey the speed limit and fulfil the requirements specified in Section 4 of the Rules. 

5.3. The rolled steel products loaded on the vehicle must be securely strapped by the driver in accordance with the loading plans developed and approved by the Plant (they are available in the dispatch area gangman’s room). The driver must ensure that the strapping is performed in such a way as to eliminate any contacts between the goods and metal parts of the vehicle body (columns, side boards, metal ladders), catches of the ratchet tie-down straps that are used to secure the steel products on the vehicle.       

5.4. If requested by the driver, the Plant can use additional separation materials brought by the driver (cardboards, wooden bars, rollback stoppers, etc.).

5.5. It is forbidden to place any goods on the vehicle body that have not been declared at the customs: shipment of the goods to countries of export and delivery of the goods from countries of import (e.g. cans with fuels and lubricants).

5.6. For obtaining a permission to leave the territory of the Plant the representative (the driver) must:

5.6.1. Collecting the finished products:

 - Go through the weighing procedure to determine the vehicle gross weight, receive a set of 2 Consignment Notes (CN); then fill in the field “accepted the driver-the forwarder” in the CN with the full name details and sign it in the presence of a security service guard, take one copy of the CN and holding the plastic ID-pass leave the territory for Entry Check Point No.1; having arrived at Entry Check Point No.1, apply to the “Single-Window” office (the main administration building) for finalizing all customs formalities and obtaining the shipping documents.      

5.7. When executing shipping documents (CNs, CMRs), invoices and customs cargo declarations at the “Single-Window” office, the representative (the driver) must:  

- Render assistance to the staff of the Plant, if necessary, in checking the details of vehicles provided by the companies for loading in accordance with the terms and conditions of the existing contracts (vehicle model, license plate numbers for the truck and the trailer, full name of the driver, date of arrival at the Plant); 

- Participate in the execution of consignment notes (CNs), CMRs for the Goods and submit a set of the following documents to the Sales Department:   

a) plastic ID-pass;

b) one original copy of the CN (obtained at Entry Check Point No.3);

            c) a set of CMR (if necessary).

- Certify by their signature that the relevant CNs and CMRs (if necessary) have been completed in a correct and accurate way by the Plant’s staff at the weighbridge area, the “Single-Window” office and by security service guards (if requested by the Plant’s staff, the representatives (the drivers) must produce their original ID document (passport), details of which must be specified in the application letter or the Power of Attorney, in order to confirm their powers and authorities);   

- Check the accuracy and compliance of the issued CMRs and customs cargo declarations; 

- Obtain the required documents without delay to ensure timely dispatch of the vehicles;

              - Return the plastic ID-pass to a security service guard as soon as all the documents and formalities have been completed. 

5.8. The representatives (the drivers) can check the readiness status of the shipping documents and customs declarations (for shipments of the finished steel products) using the following methods: 

- By scanning a QR-code on the plastic ID-pass. The information displayed will only refer to the documents related to the holder of the plastic ID-pass;   

- By visiting the Plants web-site at, SectionInformation on vehicles scheduled for loading and execution of shipping documents”;  

- By applying to the staff of the “Single-Window” office;

- By checking the data on the Information Boards at Entry Check Point No.3 and the weighbridge area.


6. Specific requirements for the raw materials unloading procedure to be observed by the representatives (the drivers) at the Scrap Processing Yard   

            6.1. When entering the territory of the Plant via Entry Check Point No.3, the driver produces a Consignment Note (CN) and a set of 3 Acceptance Certificates for the Goods in order to have them stamped with the goods entry permission mark.    

 6.2. The representatives (the drivers) must fulfil the requirements specified in Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 herein.  

 6.3. When travelling across the territory of the Plant, they must obey the speed limit and fulfil the requirements specified in Section 4 of the Rules.

 6.4. They must drive up platform No.1 of the weighbridge, shut the engine off, get off the vehicle and the platform to allow for measuring the gross weight of the vehicle; then go upstairs to the drivers/forwarder’s room on floor 2 to submit the documents for the delivered batch of scrap to a delivery/acceptance inspector; having obtained the Acceptance Certificate (Form 19), which is issued by a delivery/acceptance inspector, and a slip with the entry time mark (the time when the vehicle entered the territory of the Plant) they must drive to the Scrap Processing Yard. 

 6.5. Having arrived at the Scrap Processing Yard, they must stop and leave the vehicle at the entrance of the Yard and walk on designated footpaths to Scrap Car Control Room No.2 inside the Yard; there they must contact the shift foreman (gangman) for having the vehicle put in queues along the unloading lines.     

6.6. Having agreed upon the unloading sequence with the shift foreman (gangman) of the Yard, they must return to the vehicle, drive into the territory of the Yard, place the vehicle for unloading, shut off the engine, install metal shields, which are available at each point of unloading and intended for protection of wheels from damage with falling pieces of scrap during the unloading, get off the vehicle and stay in the Safety Area which is designated with a poster and allocated for drivers to stay during the unloading. The representatives (the drivers) must abide by and comply with the safety demands of a shift foreman, a gangman or other staff workers of the Scrap Processing Yard. 

6.7. The representatives (the drivers) must leave the territory of the Scrap Processing Yard immediately after the completion of the unloading.

6.8. They drive to the weighbridge to measure the tare weight of the vehicle and to receive a slip with the vehicle unloading time mark. Then, they return to Scrap Car Control Room No.2 to finalize the documentation formalities (signing of the documents by a shift foreman, a gangman) and to check the data in the Acceptance Certificate (Form 19). After that, they must leave the territory of the Scrap Processing Yard.  

6.9. To obtain a permission for leaving the territory of the Plant the representatives (the drivers) must produce the Acceptance Certificate duly signed to a security service guard.   


7. Responsibility

7.1. The Plant accepts no responsibility for any issues that may arise between the representatives (the drivers) and the Migration Service.

7.2. The Plant accepts no responsibility for any damage to the vehicle resulting from the violation of these Rules.  

7.3. The Plant has the right to deny the loading or unloading of the vehicle in the event of violation of the Rules and accepts no responsibility for any resulting downtime.   

7.4. The companies bear responsibility for all damage to the equipment, buildings and facilities of the Plant caused by action and inaction of their representatives (the drivers). 

7.5. If any disputes arise with the Plant’s staff in connection with the loading and unloading, the issuance of documents or in the event of extortion, the representatives (the drivers) must call the hot line number, which is shown on the Information Board at Entry Check Point No.3.